1,645 research outputs found

    Cumulus boundary layers in the atmosphere : high resolution models and satellite observations

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Meteorologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2011This project intends to explore some of the challenges on the representation of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) using both high resolution models and state of the art observations. Some of the issues related the different types of boundary layers are highlighted in the context of a model intercomparison at a transect in the northeast Pacific that served as a benchmark for studying cloud regimes and transitions between them. Several model biases were detected and even reanalysis products do not show reasonable comparisons against observations in terms of low-cloud related variables. The transition from shallow to deep convection over land is a key process in the diurnal cycle of convection over land. High resolution simulations were analyzed the ability of the model to reproduce observed precipitation characteristics and its sensitivity to horizontal resolution and to the evaporation of precipitation. The latter physical process influences the development of new convection by increasing the thermodynamic heterogeneities at the PBL through the formation of cold pools which result from convective downdrafts. At the later stages of the transition these features dominate the PBL behavior, as the turbulent length scales increase up to several times the size of the PBL height. Results are however quite sensitive to model resolution. At the observational perspective, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder was used to characterize the PBL properties in a variety of situations. An algorithm for PBL height determination was developed and validated against radiosondes launched at the Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean campaign. The encouraging results of the validation led to the calculation of a PBL height climatology over the tropical, subtropical and midlatitude oceans. Results were then compared to similar estimates from collocated profiles from ERA-Interim, revealing similar geographical distribution and seasonal variations. Diurnal variability is much different between both datasets which warrants further investigations.A camada limite planetária (CLP) apresenta desafios tanto em termos observacionais como em termos da sua modelação numérica. O seu papel no sistema climático traduz-se na mediação das interacções entre a superfície e a troposfera livre, através de fluxos turbulentos de calor, humidade , momento e outros constituintes químicos e aerossóis. A estrutura da CLP encontra-se profundamente relacionada com as condições climatéricas de uma dada região, em particular com tipo de nuvens predominantes. A intercomparação de modelos realizada sobre uma secção no Pacífico nordeste pretendeu avaliar a capacidade dos modelos de representar os diversos processos associados aos diversos regimes de nuvens presentes na região. A secção mostrou-se indicada para este exercício, pois além de amostrar as características principais das células de Walker e Hadley, é também representativa das transições que ocorrem entre nuvens estratiformes que ocorrem ao largo da costa da California, nuvens tipo cumulus pouco profundos na região dos Alíseos e nuvens tipo cumulonimbos que ocorrem preferencialmente na Zona Intertropical de Convergência (ITCZ). Os resultados da comparação evidenciaram as enormes discrepâncias que existem entre modelos em termos da representação dos processos associados às nuvens. Além dos modelos, a própria reanálise ERA-40 mostrou diferenças significativas quando comparada com observações de detecção remota dedicadas a esses processos. A transição de entre convecção pouco profunda para convecção profunda é o processo que domina a fase matinal do ciclo diurno da convecção sobre terra nos trópicos, e a sua representação na maioria dos modelos de larga escala apresenta graves deficiências, com o pico da precipitação a ocorrer no período na manhã, enquanto as observações mostram que o mesmo ocorre a meio da tarde. Os modelos tendem a usar um fecho para a parameterização da convecção baseado no conceito de energia potencial disponível para a convecção (CAPE), que activa a convecção profunda demasiado cedo, sendo que as simulações de alta resolução têm mostrado que o processo é bastante mais gradual: inicia-se com a formação de uma camada limite bem misturada, seguida da formação de cumulus pouco profundos que humidificam as camadas inferiores da troposfera, para então se dar a transição para convecção profunda. Neste projecto realizaram-se simulações de alta resolução deste processo usando o modelo MesoNH, por forma a estudar a capacidade do modelo de reproduzir as características da precipitação e a sensibilidade dos resultados à resolução do modelo e à evaporação da precipitação. Este vi último processo físico desempenha um papel fundamental no estabelecimento da fase madura do regime de convecção profunda. Isto porque ao evaporar, a precipitação arrefece o ar, causando fortes correntes descendentes que ao atingir a superfície se espraiam sob a forma de correntes gravíticas. Nos limites destas correntes, fortes gradientes termodinâmicos forçam o ar da CLP a subir, originando novas térmicas que eventualmente formam novas células convectivas. Nas fases finais da transição, estas perturbações dominam o comportamento da CLP, tal como indicam os diagnósticos espectrais das escalas de comprimento dominantes. Esta análise mostra que o tamanho dos turbilhões na CLP varia desde a dimensão típica da altura da CLP na fase de convecção pouco profunda até dimensões que superam várias vezes essa escala típica na fase de convecção profunda. Esse comportamento é totalmente distinto na simulação sem evaporação de precipitação, com os turbilhões a manterem dimensões associadas à altura da CLP durante todo o processo. Os resultados revelam contudo uma grande sensibilidade à resolução do modelo, com evoluções bastante distintas no alcance vertical da convecção nas simulações com diferentes resoluções. As diferenças são atribuidas à diferente representação dos processos turbulentos por parte do modelo de turbulência de subescala, mas os resultados são ainda inconclusivos. A observação da CLP por métodos de detecção remota apresenta também desafios próprios. Neste projecto, a base de dados do Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) V5 L2 Support Product foi usada para estimar parâmetros da camada limite. Este produto apresenta um espaçamento de grelha vertical superior ao dos produtos AIRS convencionais, o que o torna mais indicado para estudar a CLP. Um algoritmo para determinação da altura da CLP foi desenvolvido e validado contra dados das sondagens lançadas no contexto da campanha Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean, ocorrida nas Caraíbas no Inverno de 2004-2005. Essa área é dominada nessa altura do ano por convecção pouco profunda embebida nos ventos alíseos, o que a torna ideal para a validação dos perfis obtidos com o AIRS, dado que o sensor utiliza radiâncias da banda do infravermelho, fortemente atenuadas pela presença de nuvens. Os perfis utilizados foram comparados com os das radiossondagens e revelaram a sua capacidade de ilustrar as principais características da CLP, com margens de erro dentro do aceitável de acordo com as características desejáveis para o instrumento. Os resultados mostraram-se insensíveis a diversos factores como a fracção de nuvens e de píxeis terrestes no campo de visão, radiação de longo comprimento de onda no topo da atmosfera e distância entre vii a radiossonda e o pixel do satélite. As alturas da CLP são determinadas a partir de perfis de temperatura potencial e humidade relativa, a partir da localização do nível com maiores gradientes verticais dessas propriedades. Os métodos utilizados na determinação da altura da CLP são ainda objecto de debate e dependem da base de dados utilizada; este foi o método escolhido por ser o mais simples, mais adequado aos dados disponíveis e com maior aplicabilidade em diferentes regiões do globo. A comparação entre as estimativas dos dados de satélite e das radiossondas revela erros médios quadráticos da ordem de 50 hPa, o que mostra que o produto é capaz de caracterizar de forma aceitável a altura da CLP. Uma climatologia da altura da CLP foi calculada usando toda a base de dados do AIRS (2003-2010) ao longo dos oceanos das regiões tropicais, subtropicais e das latitudes médias. Essa climatologia foi comparada com estimativas semelhantes obtidas a partir de perfis da reanálise ERA-Interim extraídos da localização mais próxima e da hora mais próxima da hora de passagem do satélite. Ambas as estimativas revelaram distribuições realísticas da altura da CLP, com valores mínimos a coincidir com as áreas dominadas por nuvens estratiformes ao largo da costa oeste dos continentes subtropicais e valores mais altos nas zonas dominadas por convecção profunda. As variações sazonais são também realistas em ambos as bases de dados, com características como a migração da ITCZ ao longo do ano e o estabelecimento das características típicas de monções sazonais em determinadas regiões do globo. Contudo, o ciclo diurno aparece representado nas duas bases de dados de forma bastante distinta: enquanto o AIRS mostra variações realísticas da altura da CLP ao longo do ciclo diurno, a ERA-Interim não apresenta variações diurnas significativas, o que indica a presença de algumas deficiências na representação de processos de camada limite sobre o oceano nessa base de dados. Os dados foram analisados em particular sobre a secção no Pacífico nordeste com objectivo de explicar alguns dos desvios encontrados. Essa análise evidenciou a tendência do instrumento para amostrar principalmente pixeis com características de céu limpo ou com nebulosidade reduzida, pois ao aplicar amostragem condicional aos dados ERA-Interim de modo a isolar os perfis característicos de baixas coberturas nebulosas, mostra-se que existe uma correspondência bastante melhor entre as duas bases de dados. Neste trabalho mostra-se que tanto modelos como observações da CLP sofrem dos seus problemas e que avanços significativos no conhecimento desta camada tão importante da atmosfera só podem ser atingidos combinando eficazmente ambas as estratégias.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH/BD/37800/2007 e projectos (PTDC/CLI/73814/2006);(PEst-OE/CTE/LA0019/2011/2012) e Fundação Calouste Gulbenkia

    Nuts and Bolts : Microfluidics for the Production of Biomaterials

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    Nanotechnology holds the promise of bringing revolutionary therapeutic strategies into the clinic. However, an enormous fraction of the currently proposed nanotechnology-based therapies suffers from lack of reproducibility, complexity, high costs, and scale-up-related issues. For these reasons, the research community is moving toward the miniaturization of biomaterials and fabrication methods. Customizable microfluidic-based products have gained tremendous relevance in the development of biomedical technologies. This review provides an overview of different materials that can be used for the fabrication of microfluidic devices, as well as the other parameters influencing the production of biomaterials and biosensors. Moreover, several advanced microfluidic-based technologies that are designed to overcome the current challenges of cancer, immunotherapy, and diabetes therapy, among others are described. Then, the pros and cons of microfluidics as alternative to conventional preparation methods, and the challenges of translating this technique to an industrial context are highlighted. Overall, microfluidic technologies and their accessibility to the research community offer a set of exciting opportunities to bridge the development of innovative therapies and their commercialization in the foreseeable future.Peer reviewe

    Hepatitis B virus genotypes circulating in Brazil: molecular characterization of genotype F isolates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatitis B virus (HBV) isolates have been classified in eight genotypes, A to H, which exhibit distinct geographical distributions. Genotypes A, D and F are predominant in Brazil, a country formed by a miscegenated population, where the proportion of individuals from Caucasian, Amerindian and African origins varies by region. Genotype F, which is the most divergent, is considered indigenous to the Americas. A systematic molecular characterization of HBV isolates from different parts of the world would be invaluable in establishing HBV evolutionary origins and dispersion patterns. A large-scale study is needed to map the region-by-region distribution of the HBV genotypes in Brazil.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genotyping by PCR-RFLP of 303 HBV isolates from HBsAg-positive blood donors showed that at least two of the three genotypes, A, D, and F, co-circulate in each of the five geographic regions of Brazil. No other genotypes were identified. Overall, genotype A was most prevalent (48.5%), and most of these isolates were classified as subgenotype A1 (138/153; 90.2%). Genotype D was the most common genotype in the South (84.2%) and Central (47.6%) regions. The prevalence of genotype F was low (13%) countrywide. Nucleotide sequencing of the S gene and a phylogenetic analysis of 32 HBV genotype F isolates showed that a great majority (28/32; 87.5%) belonged to subgenotype F2, cluster II. The deduced serotype of 31 of 32 F isolates was <it>adw4</it>. The remaining isolate showed a leucine-to-isoleucine substitution at position 127.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presence of genotypes A, D and F, and the absence of other genotypes in a large cohort of HBV infected individuals may reflect the ethnic origins of the Brazilian population. The high prevalence of isolates from subgenotype A1 (of African origin) indicates that the African influx during the colonial slavery period had a major impact on the circulation of HBV genotype A currently found in Brazil. Although most genotype F isolates belonged to cluster II, the presence of some isolates belonging to clusters I (subgroup Ib) and IV suggests the existence of two or more founder viral populations of genotype F in Brazil.</p

    Malaria control in Timor-Leste during a period of political instability: what lessons can be learned?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria is a major global health problem, often exacerbated by political instability, conflict, and forced migration.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To examine the impact of political upheaval and population displacement in Timor-Leste (2006) on malaria in the country.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Case study approach drawing on both qualitative and quantitative methods including document reviews, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, site visits and analysis of routinely collected data.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The conflict had its most profound impact on Dili, the capital city, in which tens of thousands of people were displaced from their homes. The conflict interrupted routine malaria service programs and training, but did not lead to an increase in malaria incidence. Interventions covering treatment, insecticide treated nets (ITN) distribution, vector control, surveillance and health promotion were promptly organized for internally displaced people (IDPs) and routine health services were maintained. Vector control interventions were focused on IDP camps in the city rather than on the whole community. The crisis contributed to policy change with the introduction of Rapid Diagnostic Tests and artemether-lumefantrine for treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although the political crisis affected malaria programs there were no outbreaks of malaria. Emergency responses were quickly organized and beneficial long term changes in treatment and diagnosis were facilitated.</p

    Tradução de artigos científicos no domínio da medicina: especificidades

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializada, sob orientação de Doutor Manuel Fernando Moreira da SilvaNeste relatório descreve-se o trabalho realizado no estágio realizado no Centro de Estudos Matex para conclusão do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializada no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. De forma a melhor sustentar este relatório de estágio é apresentada uma análise sobre algumas teorias de tradução e, na sequência dessa mesma análise, foi escolhido o modelo proposto por Daniel Gouadec como metodologia de trabalho. Posteriormente é feita uma breve análise sobre o texto científico, a tradução na área da medicina e, também sobre as características de um artigo científico. Foram ainda descritas as dificuldades mais comuns na tradução de textos médicos juntamente com uma breve análise sobre terminologia científica e médica. Após esta revisão teórica, seguiu-se a fase relativa ao processo tradutivo, onde foram seguidas as fases propostas pelo modelo de Gouadec, na elaboração da tradução dos artigos científicos. Os artigos inserem-se na área da tradução técnica, nomeadamente da medicina. O presente trabalho revelou-se importante quer na aquisição de conhecimentos quer na prática do que é a tradução freelance em ambiente empresarial. Através do mesmo foi possível ficar a conhecer de perto muitas das especificidades e dificuldades que se podem encontrar na tradução técnica.In this report it is described the work developed during the traineeship in Centro de Estudos Matex for the conclusion of the Masters degree in Translations and Specialized Interpretations in the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP). In order to sustain better the traineeship report it is presented an analysis of some translations theories and in the sequence of this analysis it was chosen Daniel Gouadecs work methodology. Then a brief analysis was made on scientific text, translation in the medical area and also on the characteristics of a scientific article. . It was also described the most common difficulties in translating medical texts and together with a brief analysis on scientific terminology and medical terminology. After this theorical revision it followed the phase related to the translation process and all the phases proposed by Gouadec were followed in the translation of the scientific articles. The articles translated are from the technical translation area, namely medicine. This work has revealed to be important in the acquisition of practice knowledge of freelance translation in the corporate world. It was also possible to know closely all the specificities and difficulties you can find in technical translation

    IFN-gamma Plays a Unique Role in Protection against Low Virulent Trypanosoma cruzi Strain

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    Background: T. cruzi strains have been divided into six discrete typing units (DTUs) according to their genetic background. These groups are designated T. cruzi I to VI. In this context, amastigotes from G strain (T. cruzi I) are highly infective in vitro and show no parasitemia in vivo. Here we aimed to understand why amastigotes from G strain are highly infective in vitro and do not contribute for a patent in vivo infection. Methodology/Principal Findings: Our in vitro studies demonstrated the first evidence that IFN-gamma would be associated to the low virulence of G strain in vivo. After intraperitoneal amastigotes inoculation in wild-type and knockout mice for TNF-alpha, Nod2, Myd88, iNOS, IL-12p40, IL-18, CD4, CD8 and IFN-gamma we found that the latter is crucial for controlling infection by G strain amastigotes. Conclusions/Significance: Our results showed that amastigotes from G strain are highly infective in vitro but did not contribute for a patent infection in vivo due to its susceptibility to IFN-gamma production by host immune cells. These data are useful to understand the mechanisms underlying the contrasting behavior of different T. cruzi groups for in vitro and in vivo infection.CAPES [3038.005295/2011-40]CAPESFAPEMIGFAPEMIG [APQ-00621-11]CNPqCNPqFAPESPFAPESP [10-50959-4

    Genotype and phenotype landscape of MEN2 in 554 medullary thyroid cancer patients: the BrasMEN study

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is an autosomal dominant genetic disease caused by RET gene germline mutations that is characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) associated with other endocrine tumors. Several reports have demonstrated that the RET mutation profile may vary according to the geographical area. In this study, we collected clinical and molecular data from 554 patients with surgically confirmed MTC from 176 families with MEN2 in 18 different Brazili an centers to compare the type and prevalence of RET mutations with those from other countries. The most frequent mutations, classified by the number of families affected, occur in codon 634, exon 11 (76 families), followed by codon 918, exon 16 (34 families: 26 with M918T and 8 with M918V) and codon 804, exon 14 (22 families: 15 with V804M and 7 with V804L). When compared with other major published series from Europe, there are several similarities and some differences. While the mutations in codons C618, C620, C630, E768 and S891 present a similar prevalence, some mutations have a lower prevalence in Brazil, and others are found mainly in Brazil (G533C and M918V). These results reflect the singular proportion of European, Amerindian and African ancestries in the Brazilian mosaic genome83289298CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL - FAPERGSSem informaçãoSem informação2006/60402-1; 2010/51547-1; 2013/01476-9; 2014/06570-6; 2009/50575-4; 2010/51546-5; 2012/21942-116/2551-0000482-

    The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study

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    AIM: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to explore the impact of surgical delays on cancer resectability. This study aimed to compare resectability for colorectal cancer patients undergoing delayed versus non-delayed surgery. METHODS: This was an international prospective cohort study of consecutive colorectal cancer patients with a decision for curative surgery (January-April 2020). Surgical delay was defined as an operation taking place more than 4 weeks after treatment decision, in a patient who did not receive neoadjuvant therapy. A subgroup analysis explored the effects of delay in elective patients only. The impact of longer delays was explored in a sensitivity analysis. The primary outcome was complete resection, defined as curative resection with an R0 margin. RESULTS: Overall, 5453 patients from 304 hospitals in 47 countries were included, of whom 6.6% (358/5453) did not receive their planned operation. Of the 4304 operated patients without neoadjuvant therapy, 40.5% (1744/4304) were delayed beyond 4 weeks. Delayed patients were more likely to be older, men, more comorbid, have higher body mass index and have rectal cancer and early stage disease. Delayed patients had higher unadjusted rates of complete resection (93.7% vs. 91.9%, P = 0.032) and lower rates of emergency surgery (4.5% vs. 22.5%, P < 0.001). After adjustment, delay was not associated with a lower rate of complete resection (OR 1.18, 95% CI 0.90-1.55, P = 0.224), which was consistent in elective patients only (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.69-1.27, P = 0.672). Longer delays were not associated with poorer outcomes. CONCLUSION: One in 15 colorectal cancer patients did not receive their planned operation during the first wave of COVID-19. Surgical delay did not appear to compromise resectability, raising the hypothesis that any reduction in long-term survival attributable to delays is likely to be due to micro-metastatic disease

    Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology. The MASK Study

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    Background: Mobile technology may help to better understand the adherence to treatment. MASK-rhinitis (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis) is a patient-centred ICT system. A mobile phone app (the Allergy Diary) central to MASK is available in 22 countries. Objectives: To assess the adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis patients using the Allergy Diary App. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was carried out on all users who filled in the Allergy Diary from 1 January 2016 to 1 August 2017. Secondary adherence was assessed by using the modified Medication Possession Ratio (MPR) and the Proportion of days covered (PDC) approach. Results: A total of 12143 users were registered. A total of 6949 users reported at least one VAS data recording. Among them, 1887 users reported >= 7 VAS data. About 1195 subjects were included in the analysis of adherence. One hundred and thirty-six (11.28%) users were adherent (MPR >= 70% and PDC = 70% and PDC = 1.50) and 176 (14.60%) were switchers. On the other hand, 832 (69.05%) users were non-adherent to medications (MPR Conclusion and clinical relevance: Adherence to treatment is low. The relative efficacy of continuous vs on-demand treatment for allergic rhinitis symptoms is still a matter of debate. This study shows an approach for measuring retrospective adherence based on a mobile app. This also represents a novel approach for analysing medication-taking behaviour in a real-world setting.Peer reviewe

    Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018) : Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology

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    Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) has evolved from a guideline by using the best approach to integrated care pathways using mobile technology in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma multimorbidity. The proposed next phase of ARIA is change management, with the aim of providing an active and healthy life to patients with rhinitis and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the lifecycle irrespective of their sex or socioeconomic status to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease. ARIA has followed the 8-step model of Kotter to assess and implement the effect of rhinitis on asthma multimorbidity and to propose multimorbid guidelines. A second change management strategy is proposed by ARIA Phase 4 to increase self-medication and shared decision making in rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. An innovation of ARIA has been the development and validation of information technology evidence-based tools (Mobile Airways Sentinel Network [MASK]) that can inform patient decisions on the basis of a self-care plan proposed by the health care professional.Peer reviewe